Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Okay, so a cat who lives in a library in Iowa is not as exciting as a marmoset or a Scottish Highland Cow, but this cat (named Dewey...aww!) is quite adorable.

Some might discern a passing resemblance to a certain ill-natured feline named Bob/Boris who graced the couches & classrooms of Green Street, Northampton, but the article about him claims that he's been living in the small town of Spencer, Iowa for the past 19 years. All I know is that Bob supposedly moved away at the beginning of last year, and all of a sudden, a year later, his doppelgänger shows up in the New York Times. Coincidence? I think not.

Also, as the article mentions, Dewey/Bob/Boris now has a book deal. Apparently this will be the next "Bridges of Madison County." I guess because they're both set in Iowa, or something.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Ah! My eyes!! Here I'd been hoping those raisins did him in. :-(