Wednesday, May 16, 2007


James Comey Testifies before House Judiciary Committee

My favorite part of this story is how Alberto Gonzales is such a dirt bag that he actually manages to make John Ashcroft look like a good guy. Okay, I'm using a very broad definition of the word favorite.

I also love how Arlen Specter tries to praise Bush for not letting Gonzales utterly disregard the Justice Department. Because Bush has too much respect for the Justice Department. Which is why he promoted Gonzales to head the department after Ashcroft resigned.

Other absolutely awesome things:
As soon as paul McNulty resigns, Gonzales tries to pin all the US Attorney firings on him. Just like he did with Sampson when Sampson resigned. Also, is it just me, or was McNulty not the first bush official to cite the rising costs of college tuition in his resignation letter? I wonder if saying that is secret code for "I'm the sacrificial lamb" or something?

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