Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm a bit worried.

I am taking the GRE on Saturday. I would like to score all 800s (6's for the writing), but unfortunately that seems quite unlikely, given that my math skills and vocabulary have deteriorated since high school, and I don't think I've written a timed essay since I was 17.

plus, it's at 8am. what the hell was I thinking?

anyway, feel free to ignore this post. I'm just going to type out the definitions of some words I don't know, because hopefully this will cement them in my mind.

abrogate (v.t.):
1. To annul or abolish by an authoritative act.
2. to put an end to; to do away with
derivation: from Latin abrogare (ab = away from, rogare = to ask; also, to propose a law). so abrogare = to completely repeal a law
sentence: The Massachusetts blue laws on Sunday alcohol sales have recently been abrogated.
abrogation doctrine: con law doctrine describing when the federal government can waive states' sovereign immunity.

amortize (v.t.):
1. to liquidate (a debt) by installment payments.
2. to write off an expenditure for (office equipment, for example) by prorating over a certain period.
derivation: Middle English, but eventually Latin: (ad + mors, mort-) so towards death. to deaden.
sentence: He amortized his mortgage over a period of 30 years.

artful (adj):
1. not straightforward or candid; disingenuous
2. marked by skill at achieving a desired end, especially with cunning or craft. (ant = artless)
sentence: The artful dodger was good at both lying and picking pockets.

1. a. To defraud, cheat or swindle.
b. To evade payment of
2. To thwart or frustrate
3. To elude
sentences: He made millions bilking wealthy clients on art sales. OR He bilked his debts. OR “Fate . . . may be to a certain extent bilked” (Thomas Carlyle)

cynosure (n):
1. anything to which attention is strongly turned; a center of attraction
2. That which serves to guide or direct.
3. Ursa Minor (the constillation)
derivation: comes from Greek word kunosoura, meaning "dog's tail,"
which was apparently the ancient Greek name for Ursa Minor.
sentence: Betty, ever the life of the party, was the cynosure of our social circle.

desultory (adj):
1. jumping or passing from one thing to another without order or rational connection; disconnected. aimless.
2. by the way; as a digression; not connected with the subject.
3. coming disconnectedly or occuring haphazardly; random.
4. disappointing in performance or progress.
derivation: Latin desultor = a leaper (de = down from, salire = to leap)
sentence: Their correspondence consisted of the odd, desultory postcard. OR Their desultory conversation touched on many random topics.

encomium (n):
1. warm, glowing praise.
2. a formal expression of praise; a tribute. a panegyric.
derivation: Greek from enkomion = a formal speech/poem of praise (for a victorious athlete, for example). (en = in, komos = celebration)
sentence: The encomiums about "The Sopranos" likened it to Dickens and Shakespeare.

inimical (adj):
1. having the disposition or temper of an enemy; unfriendly; unfavorable.
2. opposed in tendency, influence, or effects; antagonistic; adverse.
derivation: Latin inimicus = unfriendly, hostile (in = not, amicus = friendly)
sentence: Venus is even more inimical to human existence than Mars.

invidious (adj):
1. tending to provoke envy, resentment, or ill will.
2. containing or implying a slight
3. envious
derivation: Latin. invidiosus = envious, hateful --> invidere = envy --> invidere = to look upon with the evil eye (in = upon, videre = to look at)
sentence: The lover's obsessiveness may also take the form of invidious comparisons between himself, or herself, and the rival.
-- Ethel S. Person

minatory (adj):
1. threatening, menacing
derivation: Latin minatorious --> minari = to threaten. (related to menace)
sentence: The guard gave him a minatory look and he decided not to cause any trouble.

sinecure (n):
1. an office or responsibility that involves little work or responsibility
derivation: Medieval Latin sine = without cura = care (originally described a church office without the care of souls. i.e. an empty title.)
sentence: The position of VP on house council is a sinecure.

traduce (v.t.):
1. to cause humiliation or disgrace by making malicious and false statements; to malign.
derivation: Latin traducere = to lead as a spectacle; to dishonor (trans + ducere = to lead)
sentence: You traduced my good name around the world.


Meghan said...

I'm guessing you survived the GREs by now - congratulations! I hope they went well and the 8 am call was not too painful. There are 2 things I'm curious about... 1) Did you remember those vocab words? 2) Did you need to remember those vocab words?

sasha said...

actually, I think abrogate did show up. none of the others did, though. some other words that I had definitely studied and definitely didn't remember were also there. I think I did a good job guessing, though.