Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Today is October 9th

Why is it 90° outside?

On the one hand, this unseasonably warm weather has let me fool myself into thinking it's still summer, and I'm not over a year out of college still living at home working a boring, dead end job. On the other hand, the delusion only extends so far, because it is once again dark when I leave work every night. Also, jesus fucking christ I'm going to be 23 in 12 days!

the end.


Meghan said...

90°? WOW. I thought it was HOT here!!! You win. It's supposed to be cooler soon, though, so I am looking forward to that.

I've been 23 for a while now. It's not too bad. ;-)

sasha said...

yeah, DC wins the prize for shittiest weather ever this week.

I'm glad to hear 23 is not too bad, but it's scaring the crap out of me. it seems very adult, and I have not had nearly enough adult experiences to qualify me as one.