Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hillary Clinton

Summary of Maureen Dowd on Hillary Clinton: "People really are sexist assholes who harp on her looks too much, and it is unfair that people have fewer problems with aging men than aging women, but I still don't like her. She's too focus-grouped."

Actually, I kind of agree with her. Maureen Dowd has a way of getting on my nerves even when I agree with her, though. Everyone who doesn't like Hillary Clinton but doesn't want to come across as sexist talks about how she's too packaged. I don't trust them.

Maybe that's why this Rush Limbaugh quote caught my eye: “Let me give you a picture, just to think about. ... The campaign is Mitt Romney vs. Hillary Clinton in our quest in this country for visual perfection, hmm?” He's even more poll-driven than she is, and if she comes across as kind of plastic, he's a freaking Ken doll.

On another note, I hope this country isn't stuipd enough to elect Huckabee. I'm really worried, though. I think if they did, I would seriously consider moving to Canada. Particularly if I could get into grad school at Waterloo, but even if I didn't.


Paige said...

I have no good reason to not like HRC. I just don't.

Also, maybe I'm just classist, but besides his horrid self, 'President Huckabee' sounds like something from The Beverly Hillbillies or something. America deserves what it gets if that happens. God.

sasha said...

maybe the "huck" in huckabee sounds too much like hick. :)

Meghan said...

I don't know much about the candidates (no shocker there) but my roommate is someone I'd consider to be very knowledgable about these things, and she says he's crazy so that's good enough for me!

sasha said...

he is crazy. and evil. and completely charming. which is why he's so scary.