Anyway, now I need to go see the professional troupes perform. And I think I need to sign up for the next level. I was sort of wavering and thinking maybe I'd just do the 1A class again, or maybe I wouldn't take any class at all, but I like improv, and I want to get better. I think I need to keep getting pushed beyond my comfort level in order to improve, so level 1B makes the most sense.
Other random things from the showcase:
- I ran into a girl I went to high school with. She's apparently in one of the professional troupes. Random.
- My class was all going to meet up in a bar afterwards for a celebratory drink. When I lost track of my classmates after the show, I just headed over there, but the bar was closed. (Not really surprising at 10pm on a Sunday night, I guess?) That was a little disappointing.
- On my way back to my car afterwards, I got followed by a homeless guy.
- I *really* don't know my way around DC, and I got pretty lost driving home. Eventually I figured out that I could just drive from Gallery Place (where the showcase was) back to U Street (where the class was), because at least I knew how to get home from U Street. It was a bit of a circuitous route, but it worked.
Congratulations on your showcase! Seriously, though, you'll have to let us know about your final for 1B. :-D
thanks! I'll definitely let you know. It'll be in approximately 9 weeks, I imagine. :)
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