Once you take out all the games, gossip, comics, and syndicated columns, there's not actually much left to the Style section, which is sort of sad because I like fluffy stories, but the fluff that remains does not disappoint.
Today, for example, there was a review of a recent Fortune magazine article calling Generation Y lazy, entitled, and spoiled. You know, what the Wall Street Journal said a few weeks ago. I'm glad someone finally called bullshit.
Generation Y is the media term for people born between 1977 and 1995. Of course, it's a complete fiction: All Americans between the ages of 12 and 30 are no more alike than all Jews or all Asian Americans or, for that matter, all Latvian lesbian taxidermists. But birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, magazines gotta run generalizations about generations. God knows the baby boomers have been hyping themselves for decades.
I want to be a Latvian lesbian taxidermist when I grow up.
Also, today, apparently by the same author, was this profile of the author of The Joy of Drinking.
a quote:
Smiling, she offers her visitor a choice: "You want to go outside and get pneumonia or stay in here and get lung cancer?"
and another:
"There's a local restaurant where, when I show up, they get me a glass of merlot," she says, "and everybody keeps telling me that nobody is drinking merlot any more; everybody is drinking pinot noir. Well, frankly, darling, I'm not sure I could tell the difference."
I want to read that book.
She drinks wine like I do!
dude, I know. me too. well actually, that's not true. I choose wine by whatever has the neatest looking label. similar concept, though. :)
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