Monday, March 12, 2007

helicopter parents

Okay, so I read parenting blogs. I'm not really sure why, since I am not a parent, but they are often talking about kids not too much younger than I am, and it's sort of fun to hear what they have to say. Anyway, one of them linked to this helpful little article on the college board website: Are You a Helicopter Parent? This article has the most delightfully self-selecting audience. Pretty much by definition if you go to the college board website and spend more time on it than it takes to find out the date of the next SAT, you are a helicopter parent. But, if you've spent enough time on the site not only to find the date of the next SATs, but also print out sample practice essays for your kid, write up a list of all the APs they offer so you can lobby your high school to start offering them, and decide which SAT IIs your kid should take this June, and you've *still* stuck around to read the dumb little articles? Then you will somehow decide you're not a helicopter parent. Because a helicopter parent wouldn't be self aware enough to even consider the possibility that she were one.

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